Teaser Tuesday

Happy Teaser Tuesday, guys! A weekly bookish meme, hosted by The Purple Booker, where all you have to do is to grab your current read, pick a random page, and select a non-spoiler sentence or two (from somewhere on that page) to share! If you enjoy the teaser, you might even want to add it to your own TBR!

This Week’s Teaser is…..

“This ain’t good,” muttered the rogue. 

“Just give him a minute,” said the dwarf confidently. “He’ll be back. He’s a powerful swimmer.” Still, he eyed the water intently, as if imploring it to return his friend. After what had been well over three minutes, Vorgath said, “Shit!” and plopped his bulk onto the ground and quickly removed his boots and the remainder of his armor. “Always have to be saving his ass.” He swore under his breath as he put his foot into the cold water.

If you liked what you just read…

Go and check out Dragma’s Keep by Vance Pumphrey!

Goodreads Summary

Valdaar’s Fist. Forged by mortals. Enchanted by Drow. Wielded by a god. Lost by man. Or was it?

A band of unlikely adventurers embark upon an epic quest in this first book in a four-part series, battling minotaurs, demons, orcs, and wraiths—and occasionally themselves.

Surely they must prevail…because the very balance of power in the land requires it.

In Dragma’s Keep, Vance Pumphrey weaves a lyrical and magical tapestry that sets the stage and whets the appetite for the next adventurous fantasies that comprise his Valdaar’s Fist series.

Goodreads Link >HERE<
Amazon Link >HERE<

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